Impact with content

Book Cover

I believe in thinking differently and approaching content in another way, you can discover its magic and make it accountable. Content is amazing to tell your brand’s story, stand up and out, and add value to your audiences.

60% of all content is clutter – Havas, 2017

All you need to do is take content out of the marketing department and align it with the brand, with marketing as one of the main stakeholders. Why? Content is about brandbuilding and then aligning with activation, not vice versa. Placing under marketing, by default you’ll follow the marketing KPIs and planning.

Think like a publisher and produce your own magazine with your reader in mind. In your magazine, you have a variety of short and snappy reads, long reads and background stories, informational stories, and promotions — all visually attractive, recognizable, and easily accessible. If your reader doesn’t like what you write, they will not purchase your magazine (anymore).

Take content out of the marketing department to create impact

In this book, I reveal the five-step framework for what you need to create impact with content. First, how to set up your content strategy. Second, combine your content assets with media buying to use the social algorithm in your favor. Third, how to become accountable with long-term KPIs and how content contributes to the business. Then the requirements for quality over quantity. And last, the organizational setup and team.

As a devil’s advocate at a high pace, I take you through my lessons learned, pitfalls, experience, and knowledge from 25 years in the industry and working for 40+ top-notch brands and agencies. From the high-over strategy to in-depth operational details to make it applicable.

The difficult made easy. It’s a light read and great with all the hands-on examples – Annemein s., group marketing director

I hope alot of people are going to read this and learn from it. they need it – Raymond d.c., Head of
digital client solutions EMEA

looking forward reading this, you sharing your experience and vision = Marlin G., Sr . PR MANAGER

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Impact with content

Fleur Willemijn van Beinum
Fleur Willemijn
€ 36.24