Boek Telling Your Data Story: Data Storytelling for Data Management (Engels)

Telling Your Data Story: Data Storytelling for Data Management (Engels)

Scott Taylor
Technics Publications
€ 36.22

The Data Whisperer’s practical guide to explaining and understanding the strategic value of data management. The need for data management is everywhere across your company. The value of every digitally transformative customer-facing initiative, every data science and analytics-based project, every as-a-service offering, every foray into e-commerce, and every enterprise software implementation is inextricably linked to the successful output of data management efforts. Although it is a simple function of garbage in garbage out, that slogan rarely drives any sustainable executive action. We need to tell a better data story.

Data Storytelling is probably the hottest non-technical trend in the technologyrelated space. But it does not directly support data management because it is focused on analytics or telling stories with data. So, it is time to expand the realm of Data Storytelling to recognize the role of data management by telling stories about data.

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